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Configuring Billable Items

This article talks about billable items, its types and how users can set it up

Updated over a week ago

Billable items are the building blocks of your pricing model. There are three types of billable items on Togai :


Usage meters aggregate the event streams into usage based metrics. You can use aggregation functions such as SUM and COUNT to arrive at the usage based billable item. The usage meter would have to be attached to an active event schema.

For example : if Netflix sends the number of english movies watched by a user to Togai on a daily basis, the SUM counter in the usage meter with a filter for the language dimension, the usage meter would return the sum of english movies watched for all days of the month. Here's what the config would look like :


Add ons are flat components of the pricing. An add-on need not be attached to an event schema because it does not have a usage based component to it.

There are two types of add-ons:

  1. Fixed Fee - Subscription fees, implementation fees, fee for priority support etc

  2. Licenses - Users, seats etc


Features are components of your pricing that need to be gated or limited based on usage.

For example : if Netflix is offering a student plan at a subsidised rate for which the user receives access to watch 10 movies or 1500 minutes of content beyond which they would hit a paywall and would have to purchase more movies or minutes then, movies and minutes should be configured as a feature

Now that you've created the building blocks of your pricing model, let's go ahead and assemble these blocks to build your pricing model.

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