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How do I get started?

This article helps the user understand how they can set up their Togai account

Updated over a week ago

Togai is a one stop solution for all your billing and pricing needs. With Togai, you can :

  1. Implement any type of pricing model under the sun (seat based, subscription based, usage based, hybrid, credits based etc)

  2. Completely automate invoicing

  3. Integrate with a CRM, payment gateway and accounting software to close the loop on billing

Sounds great. But, how do I set my account up to see the Togai magic in action?

To begin with you would have to :

  1. Configure an event schema - Togai would ingest raw usage data from your product through a schema

  2. Configure billable items - these are the components that make up your pricing model (eg: licenses, usage metrics etc)

  3. Set up a price plan - the magic sauce to convert metrics to dollars

  4. Add customers - for testing, you can add this manually. Togai can fetch this directly from your sign up forms, CRM etc.

  5. Associate a price plan to the customer and let the billing begin

Let's get into the details now, shall we?

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